some updates!
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Pardon my dust. Keep watching this page, it's being updated.
Hello. This page is about the homebuilt airplane I am working on. It is truly a homebuilt, as you will soon see. Since I found myself in Ann Arbor for Judi's medical school education, the best I can do is an apartment. So, being the impatient type, I decided to build my plane there. Guess what? It can be done. Enjoy the pictures.
I finally got the thing moved to Flagstaff, our new home, and have updated the site. I found that many of the pictures I took earlier were lost or unusable so I have done my best to take new pictures and update the pages. There is new material on finishing the wings and the joys (?) of moving a project across the country. While that's been going on, I've also recieved my fuselage kit. The bulkheads are constructed and I've found a new painter. The first new pictures are up and I hope to keep the momentum going. I'm glad to be back in action and hope you enjoy the new material.
As you can see from the previous paragraph, I was really over optomistic. It took me about two years to get the fuselage framed up. During that time, I was attending classes at NAU and also house-hunting. Then there was moving into the new house. Now that I'm there, I've got room to work and I've made a lot of progress. But it's going to slow down again because my school hiatus is over, and I'll probably be bad about updating the site as well. Bear with me, though, because I've got a good camera and am taking more pictures than ever.
I chopped up my original page into a more convenient format. What's left, the book-styled pages, has the pictures and the complete story. Since it is broken into chapters, you don't have to wade through the whole thing, or wait while pictures you've already seen get loaded.
Here's a few essential links, if you want more aviation or homebuilt info:
The Federal Aviation Administration - we have to live with them...
The Experimental Aircraft Association - Oshkosh and more!
Local EAA Chapter 856 - Flagstaff Chapter.
Van's Aircraft Home Page - Lead times, prices, accessories, and all the info.
Matronics Home Page - Home of the RV and Zenith email lists, as well as the new home of John Hovan's web site.
Landings: Homebuilding Links - Lots of links; all kinds of aircraft.
Aerotronics - Builders of custom instrument panels.
Blue Mountain Avionics - Makers of the EFIS One.
Thanks for dropping by! Be sure to check out my Home Page
Pardon my dust. Keep watching this page, it's being updated constantly.
This page has been flown
cycles since July 16, 1996